Ed Probst, President, Vanguard Benefits
As you may be aware, March is Developmental Disability Awareness month. As this month comes to an end, I wanted to share a little about why this is such an important month for me personally, as well as for the clients of Vanguard Benefits.
I started my journey with CP Nassau in 2012. For those of you who are not aware of why, I would like to share a little about my story. It began when my wife Justine and I were looking for an organization to support and teach our children the importance of giving back to those in need. My good friend Joel Meltzer invited me to serve on the CP Nassau Forget Me Not Ball Committee and because Justine and I both have experience with Cerebral Palsy in our families, we felt an immediate attachment to the cause.
Justine’s sister, Jessica Ann Faye was afflicted with Cerebral Palsy and though she received services at another CP affiliate.
Sadly she passed away in 2002. My cousin Steve was similarly disabled yet was one of the most determined and capable people I’ve ever met. These amazing human beings continue to be an inspiration to us and our children and are shining examples of why it is so important to give back and help in any way we can.
I have been volunteering at Cerebral Palsy of Nassau County for over 10 years and currently serve on its Board of Directors. I continue to work in both a personal and professional capacity to increase awareness.
” She lived a vibrant life despite being confined to a wheelchair, because she was able to be in school and part of a program that augmented her life. “
This is the 36th Year the United States has recognized and celebrated March as National Disability Awareness Month.
Everyone wants and deserves to enjoy life, feel productive and secure. But in March, we took extra steps to raise awareness about the support and rights of individuals with disabilities and to celebrate their contributions to our communities and society as a whole.

We are ending this month with Tommy DiMisa’s Philanthropy in Phocus interview with Michael Billia, the Chief Administrative Officer of Life’s Worc. So many good ideas floated during today’s discussion – but one of they key points shared was the importance of recognizing each individual’s ABILITY…another even more important point from Mike is the idea of making people feel as though they have a purpose…
Click below to watch the amazing interview and don’t forget to follow Tommy and his Phocus!
Quote of the week “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”